
Investigating the Relationships Among Computer Self-Efficacy, Professional Development, Teaching Experience, and Technology Integration of Teachers

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Year: 2008

Uploaded Date: 07-09-2022

Resource Link: https://etd.ohiolink.edu/

Author Name: BETTIE C HALL

Research suggests that computer self-efficacy, professional development, and years of teaching experience are critical factors that influence teachers' integration of educational technology in their classrooms. Results of a pilot study conducted by the researcher suggested a strong relationship between the degree of self-confidence teachers demonstrated toward technology and its use in their classrooms. This study builds upon previous research to focus on the relationships among computer self-efficacy and the technology integration perceptions of high school mathematics and science teachers in a Midwestern metropolitan area. This exploratory study selected this particular population to examine factors that may inhibit or encourage technology integration among secondary teachers. These factors were self-efficacy beliefs, professional development, and teaching experience. Data were collected from teachers who volunteered to participate in the study through surveys, semi-structured interviews, classroom observations, and teaching materials. The data were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively to determine whether relationships existed among the factors under consideration, as well as to detect other patterns that emerged. A moderate, statistically significant correlation was found to exist between perceptions of computer self-efficacy and technology integration among the participants, a finding that was supported by qualitative analysis. The results can inform future research, as well as professional development, continuing education, technology training, and teacher education programs.

Reference: HALL, B. C. (2008). Investigating the Relationships Among Computer Self-Efficacy, Professional Development, Teaching Experience, and Technology Integration of Teachers. United States Of America: University of Cincinnati.


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Investigating the Relationships Among Computer Self-Efficacy, Professional Development, Teaching Experience, and Technology Integration of Teachers

  • Published: Yes
  • Type: PhD Research
  • Open source: Yes
  • Country/City: United States Of America
  • College/School Name: College of Education
  • University Name: University of Cincinnati