
Implications of Using a Technology Integration Model

Uploaded by: Regional Centre for Information and Communication Technology

Year: 2013

Uploaded Date: 11-09-2022

Resource Link: https://etd.ohiolink.edu/

Author Name: Constantine G Farmakidis

ABSTRACT The purpose of this qualitative research case study was to analyze the impact that an integration lesson plan, used as part of the TPACK professional development model, might have on the use of technology in the instructional practices of seven classroom teachers. The study also analyzed what impact the lesson plan might have on these teachers’ beliefs and perceptions about the role of technology in the classroom. A constant comparative method of data analysis was used to analyze the data and identify patterns and themes. Two research questions guided this study: 1) What impact, if any, does ongoing professional development using a TPACK supported model have on the use of technology in the instructional practices of classroom teachers? 2) What impact, if any, does ongoing professional development using a TPACK supported model have on these teachers’ beliefs about the role of technology in the classroom? Data analysis of the first research question identified three broad areas of impact using the model: instructional planning process, use of assessment practices, and awareness of technological limitations. Data analysis of the second research question identified two significant categories on participants’ beliefs. It was an effective way to motivate students while reaching the participants’ goals. Second, participants now believed that they would include technology as a standard feature in their future classroom instruction. Results of the study found that educators who were introduced to and aided in the use of a TPACK supported model for technology integration were able to use technology more effectively.

Reference: Farmakidis, C. G. (2013). Implications of Using a Technology Integration Model. United States Of America: University of Akron.


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Implications of Using a Technology Integration Model

  • Published: Yes
  • Type: PhD Research
  • Open source: Yes
  • Country/City: United States Of America
  • College/School Name: College of Education
  • University Name: University of Akron