
Big Data in Student Data Analytics: Higher Education Policy Implications for Student Autonomy, Privacy, Equity, and Educational Value

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Year: 2021

Uploaded Date: 07-09-2022

Resource Link: https://etd.ohiolink.edu/

Author Name: Marcia Jean Ham

Leveraging big data for student data analytics is increasingly integrated throughout university operations from admissions to advising to teaching and learning. Though the possibilities are exciting to consider, they are not without risks to student autonomy, privacy, equity, and educational value. There has been little research showing how universities address such ethical issues in their student data policies and procedures to date though privacy and security policies are abundant. Though privacy and security policies that students sign cover institutions legally, there is more that can be done to support the ethical use of student data analytics at higher education institutions. This exploratory study addressed why it is important to support the four values of autonomy, privacy, equity, and educational value within university student data analytics policies and procedures. A rationale for focusing on these values was discussed through the lens of Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed. A comparative case analysis of data analytics policies and procedures at two large, public universities provided insight into what they emphasized and where risks to student autonomy, privacy, equity, and educational value existed. This study concluded with recommendations of how institutional leadership can use proposed principles of ethical student data analytics to evaluate their own policies and procedures and amend risks that are uncovered through analysis.

Reference: Ham, M. J. (2021). Big Data in Student Data Analytics: Higher Education Policy Implications for Student Autonomy, Privacy, Equity, and Educational Value. United States Of America: Ohio State University.


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Big Data in Student Data Analytics: Higher Education Policy Implications for Student Autonomy, Privacy, Equity, and Educational Value

  • Published: Yes
  • Type: PhD Research
  • Open source: Yes
  • Country/City: United States Of America
  • College/School Name: College of Education
  • University Name: Ohio State University