
Wireless Technology in Higher Education: The Perceptions of Faculty and Students Concerning the use of Wireless Laptops

رفع بواسطة: Regional Centre for Information and Communication Technology

السنة :2005

تاريخ الرفع :07-09-2022

رابط المصدر : https://etd.ohiolink.edu/

أسم المؤلف: Chia-Ling Kuo

This study was based on the hypothesis that gender differences and past experiences with computers and the Internet influence individuals’ perceptions of wireless laptops. The perception of wireless laptops was evaluated according to Rogers’ five attributes of innovations: relative advantages, compatibility, complexity, trialability, and observability. An online questionnaire was utilized in the study, and the total number of participants was 248. Analyses of the data were conducted using multiple regression analysis and one-way analysis of variance. The results of the data indicated that the overall perception of participants on the use of wireless laptops was positive. A statistically significant difference in the perceptions of wireless laptops was found in the groups of graduate students and faculty members. Faculty members showed lowest interest in trying wireless laptops, worried about security problems, and were concerned about the distraction that wireless laptops may bring to learning. The relationship between the perceptions of wireless laptops to five predictors (gender, wireless laptop ownership, wireless laptop experience, attitude toward computers, and attitude toward the Internet) was significant. In evaluating the contribution of each predictor, the attitude toward the Internet was found to be the most important factor in predicting the perceptions of wireless laptops, and was followed by gender, the computer attitude scale, wireless laptop ownership, and experience with wireless laptops. The findings of this study support prior research that an individual’s past experience with computers and the Internet have positive impacts on the perceptions toward technological innovations in terms of wireless laptops in this study. The gender perception about men holding a more positive attitude toward the technological innovation does not exist. This study suggests that in order to take the best advantage of wireless laptops, the utilization and skills of computers and the Internet need to be enhanced; the issues concerning file transmission security and the distraction of using wireless laptops in class should be addressed.

التوثيق: Kuo, C. . (2005). Wireless Technology in Higher Education: The Perceptions of Faculty and Students Concerning the use of Wireless Laptops. United States Of America: Ohio State University.


اكتب تعليقاتك للبحث:

Wireless Technology in Higher Education: The Perceptions of Faculty and Students Concerning the use of Wireless Laptops

  • نشر : نعم
  • النوع : رسائل الدكتوراه
  • مفتوح المصدر : نعم
  • البلد/المدينة: United States Of America
  • أسم المدرسة/الكلية: College of Education
  • أسم الجامعة: Ohio State University