
The Diffusion of Smartphones and Tablets in Higher Education: A Comparison of Faculty and Student Perceptions and Uses.

رفع بواسطة: Regional Centre for Information and Communication Technology

السنة :2014

تاريخ الرفع :07-09-2022

رابط المصدر : https://etd.ohiolink.edu/

أسم المؤلف: Brian A Rellinger

Individual access to mobile devices has increased dramatically in recent years, and faculty and students are beginning to use smartphones and tablets to support teaching and learning. This correlational study surveys faculty and students at a private, liberal arts university to better understand perceptions about the devices for use in an academic setting. Student and faculty responses are compared using adopter categories and innovation attributes developed by Rogers’ (2003) diffusion of innovations. Two survey instruments were developed for this study. The Faculty Smartphone and Tablet Diffusion of Innovations (FSTDIS) and Student Smartphone and Tablet Diffusion of Innovations (SSTDIS) were created based on a previous survey aimed at faculty adoption of a course management system. The surveys were sent to approximately 250 faculty members and between 1,700 and 1,900 students. Results from the surveys were used to address four research questions comparing faculty and students, as well as perceptions of the value of smartphones and tablets in higher education. Findings from this study can be used by university administrators to increase the adoption of mobile devices for academic purposes. Rogers’ (2003) diffusion of theory provides a framework for technology adoption in organizations.

التوثيق: Rellinger, B. A. (2014). The Diffusion of Smartphones and Tablets in Higher Education: A Comparison of Faculty and Student Perceptions and Uses.. United States Of America: Bowling Green State University.


اكتب تعليقاتك للبحث:

The Diffusion of Smartphones and Tablets in Higher Education: A Comparison of Faculty and Student Perceptions and Uses.

  • نشر : نعم
  • النوع : رسائل الدكتوراه
  • مفتوح المصدر : نعم
  • البلد/المدينة: United States Of America
  • أسم المدرسة/الكلية: College of Education
  • أسم الجامعة: Bowling Green State University