
The Effect of Repeated Reading while Listening Method based on WebQuest on Fluency and Acquiring English Vocabulary

رفع بواسطة: Regional Centre for Information and Communication Technology

السنة :2014

تاريخ الرفع :20-03-2022

أسم المؤلف: Mishael Sulaiman Al Eidy

This study aimed to reveal the effectiveness of repeated reading while listening based on WebQuest on Fluency and Incidental Acquisition of English vocabulary on High School Female Students in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The study has tested the following hypotheses: (1) Repeated Reading while Listening Method based on WebQuest Tasks improves reading fluency for high school students in Saudi Arabia. (2) Memorization based on WebQuests improves speaking fluency for high school students in Saudi Arabia.(3) Repeated Reading while Listening Method based on WebQuests leads to incidental vocabulary acquisition. The study sample consisted of 36 second secondary grade students, that was divided into two groups, the first one was (experimental group n=18) students who attended the online program, while the second one was (control group n=18) students who attended the traditional program. The results of the study revealed that there were statistically significance differences in improving the level of fluency and incidental acquisition of English vocabulary in the experimental group. Keywords: repeated reading while listening, WebQuest, fluency, vocabulary.

التوثيق: Al Eidy, M. S. (2014). The Effect of Repeated Reading while Listening Method based on WebQuest on Fluency and Acquiring English Vocabulary. Kingdom of Bahrain: Arabian Gulf University.


اكتب تعليقاتك للبحث:

The Effect of Repeated Reading while Listening Method based on WebQuest on Fluency and Acquiring English Vocabulary

  • نشر : نعم
  • النوع : رسائل الماجستير
  • مفتوح المصدر : نعم
  • البلد/المدينة: Kingdom of Bahrain
  • أسم المدرسة/الكلية: College of Graduate Studies
  • أسم الجامعة: Arabian Gulf University